New assisted living housing development approved for land in Nantwich

By Ryan Parker

24th May 2024 | Local News

On Wednesday 22 May, Cheshire East Council approved a five-home assisted living development, on land off Blackberry Close (Cheshire East Planning).
On Wednesday 22 May, Cheshire East Council approved a five-home assisted living development, on land off Blackberry Close (Cheshire East Planning).

A new five-home development has been approved in Nantwich, set to be used as assisted living for adults with learning difficulties.

On Wednesday 22 May, Cheshire East Council approved a planning application for a residential development, on land off Blackberry Close.

Applicant, Mr Phil Stockton, of P&N Homes, will construct four semi-detached bungalows and one detached bungalow.

The five one-bedroom bungalows will include a staff office/amenity building to the rear of the site, as part of the assisted living development (Cheshire East Planning).

These one-bedroom bungalows will also include a staff office/amenity building to the rear of the site, as part of the assisted living development.

The Nantwich homes will be served by nine car parking spaces, complying with Cheshire East Council parking standards.

With a height of approximately 4.8 metres, the new bungalows will have a similar sized footprint to the existing surrounding houses along Blackberry Close.

A Cheshire East planning officer said: "The proposed development will not have an adverse impact upon neighbouring amenity.

"It achieves a high standard of design which respects the pattern, character and form of the surroundings.

The Nantwich homes will be served by nine car parking spaces, complying with Cheshire East Council parking standards (Cheshire East Planning).

"There are adequate access arrangements, drainage, utilities and existing infrastructure."

Cheshire East's flood risk officer raised no objections to the proposed development, subject to a condition requiring a detailed drainage strategy/design plan to be submitted and approved.

READ MORE: Man charged following serious assault on woman in Nantwich town centre.

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